Courses and Seminars

Training for basal implantologist is structured as follows:

Basic training in a curriculum:

  1. Bone physiology
  2. Prosthetics
  3. Surgery
  4. Maintenance of dental implant constructions

All topics are covered in the Curiculum. This curriculum is offered in several countries and in the local language.

After completing the curriculum, the participants may continue to take the exam for the “IF Clinical Master of Immediate Loading“

  1. Curriculum fulfilled (4 x 3 credit points)
  2. Optional: visit other courses (abroad) to receive more credit points, see other lecturers, get exposure to various ideas and concepts. Submission of case reports as PPT and as written articles (Articles must be structures as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Methods & Material, (Results) Discussion, Conclusion
  3. A total of 30 credit points is required
  4. Final meeting in Munich (one day teaching)
  5. Final written examination in Munich / Germany (1/2 day)

Credit Points may be gained through Case Presentations/articles or more theoretical and practical courses.

After passing the Examination a certificate will be awarded by the International Implant Foundation: „IF Clinical Master of Immediate Loading“