Why Strategic Implant®?

1. Utilization of the patient’s own bone substance

Cost saving is only one consideration. It is certainly an advantage to be able to save one-third of the overall treatment costs by avoiding bone augmentation procedures. They are today unnecessary for the treatment concept with the Strategic Implant®. But what is much more important for many patients is that the Strategic Implant® allows to get the treatment option which patients really want.

2. Immediate / early loading

3. Very little external material

4. Immediate implant placement after extensive tooth extractions

5. Favourable distribution of biomechanical loads

6. Few complications during the surgical phase

7. Pleasing the surgical and restorative members of the team


Still unconvinced after all these arguments? Just take a look at this patient case, and you will see that a screw implants would have been impossible to place.

Minimal bone supply in the mandible; inflammation and hopeless teeth in the anterior region. This patient didn’t find a treatment provider who would even dream of handling this situation.

5 years post-op
All five BOI® continue to be fully functional. The patient is extremely satisfied.
Treatment time: 30 hours
Operation time: 65 minutes
A real effective solution