What is the Difference?

The basal implantation technique can be summarized in five points:

Before the advent of basal implants, all patients with an insufficient on supply for immediate placement were forced to undergo the following extensive treatment:

In addition to this already tedious treatment plan, soft-tissue corrective measures frequency have often to be taken. Surgical risks accumulate throughout this four-step treatment phase: Despite all efforts and despite all the published claims, the clinical success of dental implantological treatments becomes unpredictable as soon as bone augmentation is required.

The conventional axial implant procedure created a paradoxical situation for most patients: For many months they were forced to do exactly what they were trying so hard to avoid, namely to wear a removable denture. And in many cases things were even worse: There were often times when not even the removable denture could be worn, specifically after the bone augmentation procedure and / or following the insertion of the implants, during the first phase of the waiting period.